Friday, 6 January 2012


I am not a black supremacist. I am neither Karl Max nor Malcolm X. Neither am I Martha Karua or Anyang Nyong’o. Having said that I would like to state that all evidence points to the black man being the original man.
In history we are taught that the remains of early man,the first man were found right here in East Africa,in Olduvai gorge. Should you visit the National Museum Of Kenya you will be greeted and entertained by a set of footprints that were lifted from Turkana. How you manage to lift footprints from anywhere is not really important. The most important thing is that the cradle of Mankind is East Africa and specifically Kenya.
There is also ample evidence to prove that other than Turkana the only other place man could have originated is Migingo island. The inhabitants of Migingo share one characteristic with those of Turkana, they are very dark or if you like it,they are blacker than all of us.
Science has proven that if two extremely black people bedded each other,it  is possible that they produce brown offsprings. The kids born can then go ahead and produce lighter children than themselves and the end product is humans of all colours,white,yellow,red and many others.
Therefore it is possible to get white from black but you cannot get black from white. The only time you can get a white from a black is by roasting the white man in a sooty kiln.
We can therefore say that the original man was black until the day humans discovered Fair and Lovely.

Since man was created in the image of God,do we have to hammer into anyone’s head that black is divine?

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