The oldest profession in the world.The profession that has catered for both men and women,generation after generation.Call it prostitution,call it commercial sex work,call it the happiness trade or even the pursuit of electricity,it is as real as the teeth in your mouth or as the hole in your backside!
A prostitute is like a barber.She will give you what you have paid for.No questions asked,no strings attached.However,there are many amongst us who are quick to judge yet we wouldn't mind a night in the warm embrace of a well endowed prostitute.
Many are the women who will curse a commercial sex worker to hell and back and yet will not bat an eyelid as they solicit money from their boyfriends and husbands.They will hold back sex from their men only to yield when given payment of some sort.
Prostitution is defined as having sex for material gain.There is no woman who does not at one time in her life use sex as a tool to get what she wants.The difference is only with the time before the payment is done.When you start dating a girl you might have to buy some coffees before you finally get to her pussy.For those who are serious to marry,you will always pay to get into your wife's pants knowingly or unknowingly.We can therefore not single out a few women and call them prostitutes.All women are prostitutes but what dose that say of the men?What do you call a person who engages the services of a prostitute?We can safely say that all humans are prostitutes.How I choose to practice it is what makes the difference.
As artistes we are always crying how people do not respect our trade.Respect cannot be bought,it is earned.For the girls in the industry who spread their legs on their way up I have one question:Is everything not moral immoral,and everything not immoral moral?
It is your life.Be crude,loose,indecent,uncouth,be rude.Sleep around as much as you want but never justify that with being an artiste.You are a prostitute.Be proud of yourself.
If I do not respect myself,who I am and what I do,why should others respect me.Yes we are what we are because we want to be.So what?
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